Whatever He Tells You


The best and simplest description of the Christian life comes from Mary the mother of Jesus: "do whatever He tells you".

40 Days of Resonance, Day 3

One of my favourite lines in the New Testament comes from John 2, during the wedding at Cana. There's so much to unpack here—and I've recently preached on this text unpacking more of it—but I'm going to keep it simple in this post.

When the groom commits the social faux pas of running out of wine, Mary gets involved. She comes to Jesus and tells them they have no more wine. Jesus says it's not time for Him to be getting involved, but her confidence is unwavering, and she says this fantastic thing to the servants:

Do whatever He tells you.

We can't get much better than that when it comes to answering the question: what should we do as Christians?

Just do what Jesus says.

And this applies not only to His ethical teachings and all the "how to live your life" teachings. But it's also a huge helping of Gospel: Jesus says "as you go, disciplize people by baptizing and teaching". And so the Church does, and people get saved and taught about the love of God for them. Jesus says, "take and eat; this is my body given for you" and "take and drink, this is my blood of the covenant, shed for you".

And so we do.

Whatever Jesus says, we do.


Because He's God, and because His is the way of eternal Life.

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