The latter part of John 4 gives the account of a royal official in Galilee whose gravely ill son was healed by the word of Jesus. It's fascinating for a number
Thoughtful engagement with contemporary issues
Living Water
There's so much to dig into in the first part of John 4, the account of Jesus encountering the Samaritan woman at the well. I'll do into much more detail some
The Temple was a Sign Too
The temple in Jerusalem was the place where God had said to His people, in essence, "if you want to find Me, this is where to come". But it had become a place
Whatever He Tells You
One of my favourite lines in the New Testament comes from John 2, during the wedding at Cana. There's so much to unpack here—and I've recently preached on this
Come and See
In the second half of John's Gospel account, we hear about the calling of disciples, and a fascinating little phrase is repeated. First Jesus says it, then
Ashes to...Life
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which centres on repentance. The Old Testament tells us about physical signs of repentance, which include the tearing of clothes
Jumping into 40 Days of Resonance
My last post was centred on the idea of being a "man of Issachar" (1 Chronicles 12:32) which is to say that I want to be someone who understands the times so
The Issachar Sessions
There's a fascinating comment about some of those from the tribes of Israel who joined David when he was going to become king: "Of the sons of Issachar, who
Living under Two Governments
(This is a re-post from the old site, originally published in January 2018; the specific examples will be dated, and the post could probably could benefit from