Taking Jesus at His Word


It's a fundamental question of Christianity: do we take Jesus at His word?

40 Days of Resonance, Day 7

The latter part of John 4 gives the account of a royal official in Galilee whose gravely ill son was healed by the word of Jesus. It's fascinating for a number of reasons, but I want to focus on just one piece of that for tonight: that the man simply took Jesus at His word, that the man's son would live. We hear about this a few times in the Gospel accounts, where someone hears Jesus speak and simply believes it to be true, without the demand for an accompanying sign. And one of the great ironies of this is that the healing—received without the demand for a sign—becomes a sign, as John points out.

This unnamed royal official, likely in or related to the court of Herod Antipas in Galilee, takes Jesus at His word. And that becomes a dividing line in the Gospel accounts; there are those who simply take Jesus at His word and those who demand signs or some other "proof" of His word. In other words, the dividing line is between faith and unbelief.

This is still true today. There are still many who demand signs, and those who demand signs beyond those that have already been given. Many want "proof" of Jesus' word, especially His claim to be God. And many remain unwilling to accept the proof, the signs, that exist.

And so what do Christians do about that? There is much to ponder, but the simple answer is, first, take Jesus at His word. As Mary said in John 2, "do whatever He tells you". If Jesus is in fact God—and He is—then it makes perfect sense to listen to Jesus and take Him at His word. And second, realize that it's not our effort or argument that brings people across that dividing line; it's the Holy Spirit at work as the Word goes out and accomplishes what God purposes it for.

Take Jesus at His word; there is no better word to hear.

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