Jesus invited people to find out who He was. Once they had found out, they invited others. That's how the Church has always grown.

In the second half of John's Gospel account, we hear about the calling of disciples, and a fascinating little phrase is repeated. First Jesus says it, then Philip: "Come and see".
Jesus invites two of John the Baptizer's disciples to join Him, after they want to know where He's staying. (The reason they approach Him in the first place is because John the Baptizer has been pointing Him out: "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!")
And once they spend some time with Him, they want to invite others. Philip knows who He is, and invites Nathanael to find out, too. And Nathanael has that infamous reaction: "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?".
Not that he's prejudiced or anything.
But Philip doesn't condemn his prejudice. He simply says, "Come and see".
And then when Jesus sees him, He truly sees him. And Jesus gives a revelation to Nathanael that shows that He in fact is the One who Philip said He was.
This is the way the Christian Church has always passed down the message, the way it's always grown: people simply saying, "Come and see". Come and join us and find out for yourself what we've experienced for ourselves.
It's not about flashy programs or the best show. It's not about strategies and corporate tactics. It's not about bait-and-switch. It's just a simple invitation: come and see.
Yes, you'll see sinners. The Church is full of us sinners. Chances are you'll see bias and prejudice and all kinds of sin.
But more important than that, you'll see Jesus at work. For you.
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